
Each of these signed, original pen and ink illustrations was created by Charlottesville botanical artist Lara Call Gastinger for the Flora of Virginia and the Flora App.

Please email with subject line: Violets and list the illustration(s) you wish to purchase in the body to confirm availability. OR, if you have a favorite that is not a violet, just send us an email with the Latin name, and we will determine availability.

Cost for each = $175.00 (includes shipping and handling.)

Proceeds benefit the Flora of Virginia Project.

Dog violet
Viola labradorica
Primrose-leaved Violet
Viola primulifolia
Round-leaved Yellow Violet
Viola rotundifolia
Wood Violet
Viola palmata
Long-spurred Violet
Viola rostrata
Green Violet
Cubelium concolor
Smooth White Violet
Viola macloskeyi var. pallens
Downy Yellow Violet
Viola pubescens
Southern Wood Violet
Viola hirsutula
Sweet White Violet
Viola blanda
Halberd-leaved Yellow Violet
Viola hastata
European Field Pansy
Viola arvensis
Arrow-leaved Violet
Viola sagittata
Striped Violet
Violet striata